Hot Topic: No, It's Not Racist

Why is it that all of a sudden everything is racist. It's like people wear a watch just so they can look at it and go, "well, time to get offended!" This is just extra confusing for me because now I have to watch what I say all the goddamn time because people cannot take a joke and a little naivety. So what if I'm not politically correct all the time? You know what happens to people who are politically correct all the motherfucking time? Ask some white people. They're too scared to even mention race. "Black? No I didn't see any black people, I saw a tall guy with gorgeous eyes but nah, race doesn't matter to me." We've all scared the white people from saying colors for heaven's sake.

Let's get to it:

Just to make it clear, I am an Indonesian culturally and Chinese-Indonesian ethnically. I have black hair, brown eyes, and olive skin. I now live in Australia, and whenever I mention this to any non-Australians they'll go, "aren't they, like, really racist?" 

Yeah, some are, some aren't. It's like every other country in the world. But have I experienced racism in Melbourne? Not really. I mean, I've had people describe me as, "that Asian," but unlike some people, I don't go all up and arms about it. Saying "that Asian" narrows the list down compared to saying, "that girl". For convenience, I am totally okay with being called "that Asian". The only time I do get pissed off is when they assume Asia consists of only China, Japan and Korea. But that's just innocent ignorance as opposed to cold-hearted racism.

The biggest peeve of mine is when I'm telling a story and I mention race, and suddenly I'm 'racist'. What, so I can't mention the word 'Indian' when I'm talking about my Indian friend? I cannot say 'white guy' or 'black girl' or 'Asian kid', ever? That's not what being racist is. Being racist is not (bold, italicized and underlined for emphasis) mentioning race. It is not innocuous curiosity.

In the Oxford dictionary, racism, by its very definition made by three white guys, means prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior. It also means the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races. 

Am I saying my race is better than yours? No. Because you will never hear me say that. Are you kidding me? Indonesia is a third world country. 32 million of us are living under the poverty line, we bombed the Australian embassy and the JW Marriott Hotel for god-knows-what, we have a pretty high infant mortality rate, and a village in Borneo used an orangutan as a prostitute. Seriously? Nearly every other country has it better than us. There's not much to be proud of. If you think I'm racist because I think my country is superior than yours then you better read some statistics about Indonesia.

Asking where you're from or what ethnic background you are should not be considered racist, either. It should be considered as a question. Like 'what flavor ice cream do you like?' You know what I do when people ask me about my ethnic background? I answer them nonchalantly, the way you all should. Because there are 7 billion people in the world, 7 continents and 195 countries so excuuuuuuuse me if I'm curious as to which part of the globe you were born in. 

It's also okay for white people to wear traditional clothes from other nations. We are a melting pot, but it seems that if any white person dresses up in an Indian sari or a Japanese kimono, the entire world goes berserk. "You're not wearing it correctly!" "You don't know what it means!" "It's sacred!" Some garbs are sacred, and there are some things that people from other countries should not do or wear because it is specific to said culture. However, the fact that people are opening up and being less xenophobic is a good thing. I love how other people are appreciating Indonesian batik and Angolan necklaces. Isn't that what the world is coming to? Our land is no longer one, but the people should be. We came from one big Pangaea to separate nations, but we are still the same. Our culture and tradition should be shared and encouraged, not restricted to the small land of your people.

But the worst line would be, "I don't see race, I see everyone as the same." No you don't. Do you know why? Because you have eyes. What do you mean you don't see color? How are you going to enjoy 12 Years A Slave if you can't differentiate a black slave from from his white owner?

You see color. Don't deny it because being afraid to mention that someone's black or white or brown or Asian is just tiring. Why are you afraid? This is a beautiful world where people of different shapes and sizes and colors join together to hold hands and sing kumbaya. Being curious about one's background and culture doesn't make you racist, it makes you human.

What is racist is serious generalizations of a certain race. I cannot say that all black guys are poor and are murderers. I cannot say that all Indonesians are stupid and uneducated (although we do have a high illiteracy rate). I cannot say that all Muslims are terrorists. Being racist is when you refuse to hire or befriend someone solely because of their race. I have a friend who hates black people simply because she thinks they're 'disgusting'. She has befriended zero black people and her conjecture is based on mainstream media. Now that's racist.

Racism is being stopped and searched by a cop because that person 'looks suspicious'. Racism is being pulled out of line at the airport for looking vaguely Middle-Eastern. Racism is the refusal to interact normally with people outside your color because you deem them to be unworthy of your time. Racism is a deeply rooted belief that another country or race is inferior to yours. 

I shall make a chart to make it easier for you all.

And remember kids, stop saying everything is racist because most of the time, they're not. Your race is out in the open like your short hair and brown eyes. Would you get offended when someone mentions the color of your eyes? No. It's out in the open, just like your skin color. So calm down and realize being racist isn't the same as being curious.

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